YOU are what you EAT!

"Physician, heal thyself" Luke 4:23

Let me guide you in your healing journey.

“After years of illness, I realized that almost every sickness can be healed by changing the quality of foods we consume.”

Laurie West RN, Nutrition guide for Living Waters


Get Started Plan: This is a 30 day plan. We will Review your current health status and go over your existing medications and supplements and diet.

We will introduce foods and supplements specific to your needs and in some cases hold some unbeneficial supplements.

You will receive follow up visits with either a phone call or in-person visit.

60 Day Commitment Plan: Everything in above plan plus a progression in dietary changes.

Follow-ups every week

Progression of supplements that target your specific needs.

Over-All body cleanse: We will be addressing the pillars of health, Gut and Liver.

1hr visit to explore the cleansing options and choose which cleanse is needed for your specific needs.

We can go over grocery list and tips and tricks I have personally used over the last few years of cleansing.

Frequent check-ins during your 7-9 day cleanse to trouble shoot any issues you might be experiencing.

Follow-Up Visits: Any visits needed after your plan is completed.